Home Common Misconception: Do Girls Like Bi Guys?

Is Dating a Challenge for Bi Men?


In a perfect world, dating wouldn’t be a challenge for anyone, let alone a hot bi guy. You could simply wander out into the world, confident in knowing that you would soon find the perfect match, be they male or female. However, we all know the world doesn’t work like that, and, unfortunately, it definitely doesn’t appear to work like that for bi men.

Do women like bi men? There is an answer (sort of), but we’re not going to dive into that just yet. Before we answer any questions, take a look into the mirror & try to think of how you (as a bi-male) present yourself to the world. Would a random passerby categorize you (based solely on appearance) as one of the straight men, bi guys, or gay men? Think about this answer because it will become important later on. Of course, “do girls like bi guys?” is a fairly generic question with about a million different answers, but throughout the course of this article, we’ll be focusing on one particular take about an issue.

Then again, “like” is a relative term as well. Does “like” mean to be sexually attracted to them, romantically inclined towards them, or both? Would the willingness to sleep with someone (but not pursue them romantically) be considered “liking” them, or is that just not enough? Well, determine what your own definition is, then hold onto your hats as we dive into being a bisexual man while trying to figure out “do women like bisexual men?”

Do Women Like Bi Men?


Unfortunately, if you’ve read the study above, then you probably already know the answer to this question. When asked “would you date a bisexual man,” women didn’t say no across the board, but they didn’t say yes either. So do women like bi guys? It really seems to depend on the woman. The average bi male was interpreted as less sexually attractive than a straight counterpart, which is surprising considering the number of women who find gay men attractive. Nonetheless, there are some girls who like bi guys, but this largely depends on one of two situations.

Option A). The bi dudes in question look unmistakably masculine. One of the biggest things ladies listed as a turn-off from your average hot bi guy” was the fact that he looked more feminine than his competition. Unfortunately, this definitely puts a severe damper on your wardrobe, especially if you prefer flashy & pretty things over plain & simple. Of course, it’s also extremely easy to “fix”—just change your clothes, hairstyle, & fashion sense! Easier said than done, right? Sadly, the results of this show that for many bi guys, getting the average woman attracted to them may just not be realistic, at least in the sexual sense.

Option B). Some girls like bi guys for their femininity. Although this seems to be true in the minority of cases, it does show promise. After all, who wants to change everything about themselves just to be attractive to the other sex? Naturally, bi guys and girl singles can go out, have fun, & talk to each other, but not every girl will want to hook up with you, and that’s ok. They can’t all be winners! With enough patience, most hot bi guys will be able to find a woman who’s fine with being with a bi partner, although (depending on where you live & the type of people you hang around) you may be in for somewhat of a wait.

What Makes a Hot Bi Guy?

So what do you do if you’re trying to be that hot bi man that all the ladies want? Well, speaking solely on statistics, hot bi men don’t give off the vibe that they’re bi-males. Although there are some girls who like bi men because of their feministic tendencies, for the most part, women who like bi men enjoy the fact that they still look “manly.” Fortunately, these three-pointers can get you off in the right direction if you’re not quite sure where to start.

  • Clothing. If you ask your average lady, “would you date a bi guy?” chances are, she’s envisioning a somewhat feministic man who’s not quite over the top but definitely not masculine. Women who would consider dating a bisexual man still want someone who can protect them, so your clothing should reflect this if you want the best chance of success. Simple, non-flashy outfits work the best.
  • Hairstyle. While there are some women who like bisexual men for their interesting hairstyles, your average woman wants something somewhat “normal.” This means short, medium, or long… but no styling! Instead, go for a fully natural approach. Combing & basic care are fine, but avoid going overboard.
  • Voice. Although this is more common among gay men than bi men, some bi guys enjoy raising their voice all the time when they talk. Unfortunately, this won’t be doing you any favors if you’re trying to get with a woman. Do girls like bisexual men who could pass for gay men? Generally, no (at least not if you’re trying to be more than friends!).

Girls Like Bi Guys Who Seem Masculine

If a straight woman is going to consider dating a bisexual guy, this bi guy will at least have to meet her traditional standards for masculinity. Fortunately, this varies for every person, and bi men and women will be a lot less picky than your average straight woman. Although being a bi guy & appearing masculine may seem contradictory, it’s actually not too hard being a bisexual male while still appearing manly. Of course, you have to know what to avoid first, so let’s quickly review that.

Bi men with women as partners should never try to act aggressively to appear manly. This isn’t masculinity – it’s toxic masculinity (no good). For bi men, sex may be no big deal, but you should also avoid acting too casual about this as well. Most women will not appreciate this. Another thing to avoid for bi men? Pics of your “junk” right off the bat. While this may be appropriate later down the road in the relationship, this will not send a positive message initially.

With the above in mind, what are you left with? For starters, masculinity is often seen as a strength, so if you’ve ever wanted to get in shape, now is the time to do so. As with all things, moderation is key because no girl wants to be dating a bi guy who spends all of his free time in the gym. Manners are also important. Although traditional chivalry is by far dead & gone, you should still make sure to hold the door (and similar things) for your female partner.

Bi-Males Are Much Less Judgemental


Are you struggling to find women who love bi men? There is an easier option—dating bisexual men and women! Bisexual women who like bi guys are much more understanding of the mindset than their straight counterparts. Even though there are straight girls who like bisexual men, the chance of the relationships of women dating bisexual men working out, in the long run, are far lower than with a bisexual woman dating a bisexual man. If you’re not looking for girls that like bi guys, bi men also make great partner options!

Besides the obvious mutual understanding, bi male sex is much better than sex with a female because you each understand the other’s body on a more intimate level. You also have the option to add in a third partner, which statistically is likely to be a woman anyway! This setup also has the advantage of being a judgment-free zone. Whereas dating a straight woman may come with a bunch of random nonsensical judgments, your bi partner will understand your lifestyle choices & work with you, not try to change you along the way.

So, what have we learned? Yes, there are some women who find bi men attractive. Unfortunately, the vast majority do not, so if you want to best chance at both romantic & sexual success, your best option is to find a bisexual male or female partner. Although it may seem hard to find a bisexual partner nearby, it’s usually not (and there are many online dating sites that can assist you with that!). Regardless of who you end up in a relationship with, it’s important that respect is a major part of your relationship. Without respect, your relationship won’t last long-term, so finding someone who accepts you for who you are is the key to a successful relationship.

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